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We offer our patented flat panel photobioreactors (PBR) made of glass with the maximum dimensions of 3 H x 1.3 B x 0.1 (m) as single elements or as complete production systems ready for fully automated operation.



  • Large scale production systems​

  • Laboratory scale plants for pharmaceuticals/fine chemicals production​

  • Pilot plants for research

  • Bioenery facades. Please consider that these are marketed by our daughter company cellparc GmbH.


Exponat Messe München

The advantages over other types of PBR


  • High photosynthetic efficiency and biomass production: A turbulent flow in the culture medium causes the photosynthetically active microbial cells to oscillate horizontally between the irradiated surface and the shaded deeper layers (video) within milliseconds. As a result, a large proportion of the photons of the photosynthetically active radiation can be used efficiently for photosynthesis.


  • Efficient prevention of biofouling: Large air bubbles are periodically blown into the base of the PBR and rise up. These ensure that fouling is constantly removed from the surface of the PBR.


  • Low consumption of water, nutrients and energy: Due to a low ratio between volume of culture medium and photoactive surface area of only 1 (L/m2). 


  • Long durability: Due to the glass material used in the construction of the PBR, they have a service life of around 20 years.


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